I can’t wait for you to breathe the air that you will inhabit for years to come
I can’t wait for you to feel and express yourself with all your might
I can’t wait for you to feel the warmth of all who loves you
I can’t wait for you to interact with the technologies and toys built by the generation before you
I can’t wait for you to experience the reinvention of education and learn what you yearn to at your own pace
I can’t wait for you to understand the power of human relations that brings both joy and heartache in your life time to come
I can’t wait for you to know your heritage and appreciate their individual cultures and language
I can’t wait for you to understand who you truly are and what you are particularly strong in and maximize that potential
I can’t wait for you to experience how the world works, be curious and bold to ask questions
I can’t wait for you to see how beautiful nature is and why I talk about Hawaii all the time ;)
I can’t wait for you to look at “failure” in its face and with a deep breath, say “Bring it!”
I can’t wait for you to find that someone in your life whom you love even through flaws which all human beings inherit
and finally, I can’t wait for you to rewrite this list in 30 years to your own little one
Yours lovingly, Dad (who enjoys waiting - ask your mom, she’ll know)
October 5, 2013 - 11:22pm
p.s. work out/exercise, brush your teeth, sleep more if you can, and have friends who are doctors, lawyers, and accountants
p.p.s. I simply can’t wait another second more to see you