Be careful of questionable characters resulting from the startup hype

It seems like the technology startup hype is sweeping through Singapore recently. In the last 2-3 months, I have encountered various signals that this hype has descended upon us. 

It makes me read and smile at Chris Dixon’s blog post again. Enjoy it here. ;)

For the founders out there hustling and crushing it. Beware of people around you whether they are approaching you as potential cofounders, advisors, consultants, incubators, accelerators, investors, customers, partners or other players in the startup ecosystem.

Do more due diligence than you have ever done before. There are always exceptions and good intentioned people who deserve a chance. As long as you arm yourself with enough information to make an informed decision, you will be fine.

Consult with people you trust. Be clear you know what you want and always trust your gut. If in doubt, pull out.